This is how Wonny and Friends came into.
Actually, Wonny and Friends dates back to 2021. Somewhere in late 2021, I created my Scratch account. When I see this 3D green pig model, I named it. The first name of Kongkie is Chong Chong, then Chonky, Chongky and last, Kongkie. Kongkie was probably the first member of Wonny Cat and Friends. Then before the existence of Wonny, I was exploring projects in Scratch and saw a project named "Donnie Dog". Then I was thinking for my OC. It's a red cat and I named it Wonny Cat, his name's etymology is from Donnie Dog. Wonny appeared in my unshared project "If you live 1920s...".
The project's plot is just Wonny is walking from street to the beach. That's all. This cat in the picture is called Wonny cat. This marks the very first existence of Wonny Cat.
This picture marks the offical first existence. He was in my unshared project: "Funky girl". It's a game. This project include a fictional cartoon made back in 1939. The project's plot is Wonny is walking in the city, whistling and saw her girlfriend and he came closer and become friends together. The second game/cartoon is "Roadey Fight!". It's inspired by Cuphead. You must play as Wonny and you must shoot a bullet to an elephant, how weird.
During Feb 10, 2022 to August 24, 2022, I stupidly remix some add yourself projects and add Wonny Cat into it and making Wonny short cartoons.
His first add yourself project was he and his friends was exploring the cave but with the monsters lurking them.
You asked, why I must put this in this page. Well ths is an add yourself about Wonny and his friends in the cave cave and feared by the cave sound. I add some funny pictures that I found in this project:
Well, I called this "Silly red cat head".
The same but more silly.
This era, I was bored and there's only one cool project: Wonny the Log Bringer (1988). Nothing much because most of projects in this era was not related to Wonny and Friends.
I joined KoGaMa after 2 years. Now I have less than 25 friends, because I was too shy to send the friend requests to the players. During this era: it was fun but then I found a bug so I joined the KoGaMa forums in 13 May 2024 at 17:02.
When I was using my 10 years old IPad, looking in YouTube. I saw this video:
I was interest on it and make a show for Kongkie about it, but I was wrong. The old thumbnail here was actually at the lair of the Caribbean islands, not Bolivia's mansion. I make the first episode about Kongkie was taking the furnitures to the mansion but when he is taking a painting to the art room at the 2nd floor, he can't balanced because of the painting's weight, so he fell thorugh the balcony and suddenly he wakes up at the hospital on the bed at he was fine. And this is how The Kongkie Comedy Show came into being, but still privated. In August 28 2024, the first attestaion of Wonny-Kongkie relationship was found.
It's all started I was looking at Milton Math Games, it was actually made in Neocities, so I joined Neocities. After I created this, I make it 100% public.
Inspired by Nose Ears | Long history by Wuzzy